Instagram was previously known as Burbn an HTML5 development by Kevin Systrom and Brazilian Michel "Mike" Kriegeon on mobile photography in 2010. On April 12, 2012, Instagram was acquired by Facebook for approximately $1 billion in cash and stock. It has been almost 3 years as a development that most of us are using for editing and sharing our photos in the social media channel. Thus come Vine - the new age of social media sharing.
Vine is a mobile app by Twitter that enables its users to create and post short video clips. Imagine having to share a location through video clips - like having a GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) for your followers and friends to see.
Let's say you'll go to cafe and meet with your friends and would like to share that. You can take a video clip of yourself of the awesome outfit you will be wearing, take another clip on the ride going to cafe, take another clip laughing with friends and a clip of what you will having to drink. Think of all those clips compile into one tweet, share, or post in Facebook. A growing number of Hollywood celebrities are using Vine to keep their fans both entertained and updated. The Philippines, which follows most western trends may soon come to discover this amazing app.
I personally think the development came from like how Instagram saw the opportunity and emerged in the social media space. As part opportunist, I find this quite smart. Here's to the newest way of sharing and getting your friends to see how awesome - or bad your day went. =)
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