Thursday, June 19, 2014

Google Made With Code

Made with Code is Google's initiative to inspire girls to code. Google worked with Chelsea Clinton, Girls Inc., Girl Scouts of the USA, Mindy Kaling, MIT Media Lab, National Center for Women & Information Technology, SevenTeen, TechCrunch and more to make this happen. The program includes:

  • Cool introductory Blockly-based coding projects, like designing a bracelet 3D-printed byShapeways, learning to create animated GIFs and building beats for a music track.
  • Collaborations with organizations like Girl Scouts of the USA and Girls, Inc. to introduce Made with Code to girls in their networks, encouraging them to complete their first coding experience.
  • A commitment of $50 million to support programs that can help get more females into computer science, like rewarding teachers who support girls who take CS courses on Codecademy or Khan Academy.

Visit MadewithCode for more info.